Solution Brief: Online Banking Scams

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Scams and Authorised Push Payments: A Summary

An authorised push payment (APP) is a form of social engineering where a customer is convinced into making an internet payment, generally to a money mule account. These deceptions are also commonly referred to by their more generic label of scams.

It’s no secret that fraudsters target easy money. As internet banking defenses have been strengthened to better identify instances of account takeover and identity fraud, the prime target is gradually migrating from banks to the customers themselves.

The scams evolution is therefore a logical progression of the online banking cycle, and goes some way to explain why countries with mature digital banking solutions are being hardest hit.

The Darwinium Difference

Unlike other solutions, Darwinium can dynamically tailor an individual customer journey based on risk, via its reverse proxy. Darwinium can therefore configure a series of customer steps when there are signals suggesting an APP fraud is in play. Key features include:

Dynamic Customer Journey Management

Real time customer warnings – These are designed to disrupt the customer’s payment journey path and alert them to the fact a fraud may be taking place.

Tailored Messages - Part of the problem with in-session scams warnings is that they are often too generic, so once they have been seen a few times, the customer ignores them.

Bespoke Session Analytics - By making these warnings bespoke and specific to a particular session, it gives the customer a tailored and relevant message encouraging them to pause the transaction and contact the bank.

Independent of Legacy Infrastructure - Banks can instantly control potential scam journeys regardless of legacy systems, without needing IT overhead.


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