Solution Brief: API Security

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Darwinium brings a fraud and risk mindset to the way it monitors and protect APIs. Just as a user transacts online and we profile their behavior throughout a digital journey, security teams can apply the same approach to profiling the way that APIs are called and used both at a point in time, and across a digital journey.

Businesses need to look at solutions that can be implemented faster than API release cycles, in step with the behavior of adversaries who are looking for the next point of compromise, and across the entire journey of both APIs and the web flows and microservices that rely on them.

The Darwinium Difference

Deep analytics, behavioral and context signatures: Determine the true intent behind each anomalous request and / or sequence.

Reduce false positives: In contrast to other approaches which simply flag and block anomalous sequences, Darwinium reduces false positives of legitimate API journeys that may simply be unusual but not high risk.

Developer friendly platform: Leverage drag and drop rules, create new customized features and detections, train and deploy custom models.

Long term data storage and interrogation: Store data for human or machine analytics applications for 12 months; benefit from real time context and analysis of longer-term trends.

No black box: Harness unsupervised machine learning methods to discover and normalize APIs, natural occurring sequences and access patterns.

Real time response and automation: Adapt to threats as they happen. Dynamically adjust API journeys to prevent future vulnerabilities.

Key API Security Challenges

Discovery New APIs and microservices are being added to websites regularly. As a result API traffic is growing significantly faster than web traffic, making it harder to catalogue, track and maintain.

Detection APIs significantly increase the potential attack surface of an organization. Yet without clear visibility of all API traffic, it becomes harder to detect exploitation in business logic.

Prevention The Open Web Application Security Project’s (OWASP’s) list of 10 key API vulnerabilities range from broken authentication / authorization to data exposure and malicious injection.


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