Asaas uses Darwinium to build end-to-end trust across the customer journey, reducing friction for good customers

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Fin resolution rate, for conversations it was involved in


increase in CSAT scores in August and September, sustaining a score of over 90% for more than a year


increase in auto-resolution rates within just two months


Asaas helps individuals and companies automate financial processes and improve their relationship with customers.


Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil



Key features used

Business Problem: Lack of customer trust creates high-friction user experience

Asaas, a Brazilian fintech specializing in business banking, was struggling to verify its online users' authenticity.

The existing device fingerprinting solution had poor persistency, resulting in excess challenges at login via a one-time passcode (OTP). This increased friction for good customers, and required significant operational resource and budget.

Asaas wanted a better way to improve UX while keeping accounts secure, reserving OTPs for genuinely high-risk interactions. Several other fraud solutions had been discounted due to the high cost of covering multiple touchpoints in the customer journey.

The Darwinium Difference: Deploying at the edge provides full visibility of customer behavior

Asaas recognized the benefits Darwinium could deliver by deploying via a content delivery network (CDN), and decided to install AWS CloudFront. The Darwinium professional services team supported this implementation as part of the wider deployment.

The existing device fingerprinting solution had poor persistency, resulting in excess challenges at login via a one-time passcode (OTP). This increased friction for good customers, and required significant operational resource and budget.


Darwinium Digital Signatures for devices and behavioral biometrics increased returning user recognition to 97% at login.

94% of returning users received a positive trust score using Darwinium models.

46% reduction in use of one-time passcodes (OTPs), with associated cost savings.

Darwinium’s entity linkage uncovered an account takeover network that executed 49 attempts in two days.


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